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socket ['sɔkɪt] n
agric. buňka (plástu); oko (sítě)
comp., MS soket (An identifier for a particular service on a particular node on a network. The socket consists of a node address and a port number, which identifies the service); slot (An opening in the housing of a computer, portable device, peripheral, or other intelligent electronic device designed to hold a PC Card or smart card)
construct. hrdlo; nátrubek; kolíková zásuvka
mach.mech. náboj; pouzdro
tech. objímka; spojka
 English thesaurus
socket ['sɔkɪt] abbr.
abbr. skt (Enotte)
abbr., el. soc
comp., MS Socket (An identifier for a particular service on a particular node on a network. The socket consists of a node address and a port number, which identifies the service)
: 25 phrases in 4 subjects