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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
rib [rɪb] n
agric. listový nerv; listová žilnatina
anat. žeberní; žebro
archit. profilované gotické žebro; žebroví; klenební pás; profilované žebro klenby; tažený profil (v omítce)
build.struct. hrana (dlaždice)
 English thesaurus
RIB [rɪb] abbr.
abbr., avia. ribbed; right inboard
rib [rɪb] abbr.
abbr. ribbon
biol. ribose
RIB [rɪb] abbr.
abbr. Rural Industries Bureau; Remain In Business; Retrieval Information Block (Vosoni)
abbr., avia. Riberalta, Bolivia; Remote Image Bus (makhno)
abbr., comp., net., IT Renderman Interface Bytestream
abbr., cust. Removal In Bond (Inchionette)
abbr., earth.sc. rapid infiltration basin; river ice breaker
abbr., el. read interrupt buffer; register insertion bus; ring interface board
abbr., fig.skat. right inside backward edge
abbr., IT routing information base; Renderman Interface Bytestream Graphics
abbr., mil. rubberized inflatable boat; Rigid Inflatable Boat; Rigid-hull Inflatable Boat
abbr., mil., avia. recoverable item breakdown
abbr., oil resource information block; retrievable integral bypass
abbr., securit. residual interest bond
abbr., sport. right in-back
abbr., tech. rigid inflatable boat (tay)
mil. recoverable items breakdown; reservists' instruction book
O&G remote instrument building
tech. recruitment, incentives, and benefits
: 28 phrases in 3 subjects