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rasp [rɑ:sp] n
agric. rašple
construct. struhák
tools hladítko; stíradlo
 English thesaurus
RASP [rɑ:sp] abbr.
abbr. random access stored program machine
abbr., el. random analog signal analysis program; remote antenna signal processor
abbr., med. right atrial systolic pressure
abbr., mil. Remote Access Security Program
abbr., mil., avia. radiographic spotting of position
abbr., oil resins and asphaltenes; resource appraisal simulation for petroleum
abbr., scottish Rapid Acquisition Spectrum processor; Recognised Air & Surface Picture
energ.ind. reactor analysis support package
mil. recognized air and surface picture; refined aeronautical support program; reliability and aging surveillance program; retrieval and sort processor
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Veterinary medicine1