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pest [pest] n
agric. škůdce; škodlivý organismus
vet.med. mor
pest Any organism that damages crops, injures or irritates livestock or man, or reduces the fertility of land [pest] n
environ. škůdce
 English thesaurus
pest [pest] abbr.
abbr., med. pesticide
PEST [pest] abbr.
abbr. Political, Economic, Social, and Technical; Political, Economic, Sociological, and Technological; Public Enigma Street Theatre; Political Economic Social And Technical; Political Economic Social And Technological; Political Economic Social Technological; Political Economical Sociocultural And Technological
abbr., avia. production entry system test; production evaluation surveillance test
abbr., el. pseudo-exhaustive self-test
abbr., inet. Please Excuse Slow Typing
abbr., math., scient. Parameter ESTimation model
abbr., med. Parameter Estimation by Sequential Testing; Production Economics Strategies Technology
abbr., mil., avia. parameter estimation by sequential testing
abbr., polit. Post Election Selection Trauma
abbr., progr., IT Pretty Excellent Synchronization Tool
abbr., UN Political, Economical, Sociological, and Technological; Political, Environmental, Social, and Technical
mil. production, evaluation, surveillance, test; progress evaluation and surveillance technique
tech. program evaluation and surveillance technique
: 49 phrases in 8 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Health care2
Veterinary medicine1