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finger ['fɪŋgə] n
agric. ohmatávat; prohmatávat; vyšetřovat hmatem; prstový; prstní
comp., MS vyhledat programem Finger (To obtain information on a user by means of the finger program); program Finger (An Internet utility, originally limited to UNIX but now available on many other platforms, that enables a user to obtain information on other users who may be at other sites (if those sites permit access by finger). Given an e-mail address, finger returns the user's full name, an indication of whether or not the user is currently logged on, and any other information the user has chosen to supply as a profile. Given a first or last name, finger returns the logon names of users whose first or last names match)
transp., avia. prst
 English thesaurus
finger ['fɪŋgə] abbr.
abbr., agric. fgr
IT A protocol and program that allows the remote identification of users logged into a system
FINGER ['fɪŋgə] abbr.
abbr., org.name. Fishery Information on Genetic Resources
: 8 phrases in 3 subjects