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anchor ['æŋkə] v
construct. kotevní; kotvit
tech. kotva
anchor ['æŋkə] adj.
comp., MS ukotvení (A format code in a desktop publishing or word processing document that keeps an element in the document, such as a figure or a caption or a label associated with the figure, in a certain position in the document. The anchored object is generally attached to another element in the document); ukotvit (To manipulate an interface element, such as a toolbar, so that it maintains the relative position to the anchored edges, when the display orientation or size changes)
 English thesaurus
anchor ['æŋkə] abbr.
abbr. ahr
ANCHOR ['æŋkə] abbr.
abbr. Alliance for Neighborhood Commerce and Home Ownership Revitalization; Alliance For Neighborhood Commerce Home Ownership And Revitalization
: 75 phrases in 3 subjects
Building structures9