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ethics ['eθɪks] n
econ. etika
ethics The philosophical study of the moral value of human conduct and of the rules and principles that ought to govern it ['eθɪks] n
environ. etika
 English thesaurus
Ethics ['eθɪks] n
mil., abbr. E
ETHICS ['eθɪks] abbr.
abbr. Ethical Technical Human Implementation Of Computer Systems; European Theater High Capacity Intelligence Communications System
abbr., el. effective technical and human implementation of computer-based systems
abbr., IT Effective Technical and Human Implementation of Computer Based Systems
abbr., med. Empowerment Through HIV/AIDS Information, Community and Services
ethics ['eθɪks] abbr.
abbr. eth
: 9 phrases in 6 subjects
Health care1
Human rights activism1
Research and development1