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operational control
transp., avia. оперативен контрол
 English thesaurus
operational control
IT An internal agreement covering the delivery of services that support the IT organization in its delivery of services
mil., logist. The subordination of major or strategic formations or units, for the period required for their particular combat missions, to a commander-in-chief or commander responsible for preparing and conducting an operation. Operational control may be exercised both before and during the operation. UKR/NATO 2. The authority delegated to a commander to direct forces assigned so that the commander may accomplish specific missions or tasks which are usually limited by function, time, or location, to deploy units concerned, and to retain or assign tactical control of those units. It does not include authority to assign separate employment of components of the units concerned. Neither does it, of itself, include administrative or logistic control. UKR/NATO 3. The authority delegated by a tactical commander to a commander: 1. to direct forces assigned so that the commander may accomplish specific missions or tasks which are usually limited in space or time; 2. to deploy concerned units; 3. to retain or assign tactical control of those units; The authority in charge of operational control does not have authority to assign separate employment of components of the units concerned. Neither does it, of itself, include administrative or logistic control. Operational control is a limited delegation of operational command. The following are in particular not delegated: 4. the definition of the mission; 5. the allocation of resources. (FRA)
USA The authority to perform those functions of command over subordinate forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning tasks, designating objectives, and giving authoritative direction necessary to accomplish the mission. (JP 1) see also combatant command, combatant command command authority, tactical control
operational control
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects