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icw abbr.
abbr. in compliance with; in connection with; interrupted continuous wave
ICW abbr.
abbr. Clean Water Cycle (bigbeat); International Council of Women
abbr., auto. in accordance with
abbr., avia. in contact with; input control word
abbr., biol. intracellular water
abbr., earth.sc. Indian Central Water
abbr., el. initial condition word; initialization control word; initializing command word; Integrated Circuit Works Inc.; Internet call waiting; interpolation command word; interrupted carrier wave
abbr., insur. Increased Cost of Working (repi-elena)
abbr., IT Initialization Command Word; interface control word; initial control word
abbr., Makarov. interrupted continuous waves
abbr., med. Intensive Care Ward; Intermediate Care Ward; Intracellular Water; intracellular water (vlad-and-slav); intracelular water
abbr., mil. In Coordination With; in coordination with
abbr., oil intracoastal waterway
abbr., scottish Interactive Courseware
abbr., space independent carrier wave; intermittent continuous wave
abbr., sport. Italian Championship Wrestling
abbr., stat. Income, consumption and wealth (экспериментальная статистика ЕС: Income, consumption and wealth (ICW) statistics are experimental statistics computed by Eurostat. europa.eu Indigirka)
abbr., transp. Inter Coastal Waterway