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fee simple ['fi:'sɪmp(ə)l]
law неограничено безусловно право на владение (Black's Law Dictionary - An interest in land that, being the broadest property interest allowed by laws, endures until the current holder dies without heirs; esp. a fee simple absolute. Often shortened to fee. - Also termed estate in fee simple; tenancy in fee; exclusive ownership; fee-simple title; feudum simplex. алешаBG); безусловно право на собственост (алешаBG); абсолютно право на собственост (алешаBG)
law безусловно право на собственост (алешаBG)
 English thesaurus
fee simple ['fi:'sɪmp(ə)l]
law The most complete, unlimited form of ownership of real property, which lasts until the current holder dies without an heir
fee simple
: 14 phrases in 1 subject