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noun | abbreviation
transp., avia. автоматична система за управление на полет
 English thesaurus
AFC abbr.
abbr. Atomic Fuel Corp.
abbr., avia. Airport Facility Chart (Helenia); active flight control; ATC frequency change service; automatic frequency compensation
abbr., earth.sc. annualized fixed cost; assimilation-fractional crystallization
abbr., footb. The Asian Football Confederation (Johnny Bravo); African Football Confederation; Asian Football Confederation
abbr., IT analog-to-frequency converter
abbr., Makarov. automatic-frequency control
abbr., med. Antral Follicle Count (iwona)
abbr., oil analog to frequency converter; annual fuel cost; approximate flash calculation; asbestos-covered heat-resistant cord; asking for correction; audio-frequency choke; audio-frequency coder; authorization for commitment; automatic fidelity control; automatic fine control; automatic flatness control; automatic fuel control; axial flow compressor
abbr., space aramid fibre composite; automatic feedback control
abbr., sport. African Football Conference
AFCS abbr.
abbr. Adaptive Flight Control Systems; Adoptive Flight Control System; Air Force Chief of Staff; Air Force Communications Service; Army Facility Component System; Artillery or Automated Fire Control System; Avionic Flight Control System
abbr., avia. axial flow compressor; air force communication system; aircraft fire control system; analog flight control system; automatic fuel control system; auxiliary flight control system; avionics flight control system
abbr., earth.sc. area forecast system
abbr., el. airborne fire control system; air force communications station; automatic flow control sampler; avionics fight control system
abbr., mil. Adaptive Flight Control System; Air Force Communications System; Army Facilities Component System; Artillery Fire Control System; Automatic Flight Control System
abbr., oil automated foam cementing system
abbr., post Advanced Facer Canceller System (faces letter mail by locating the stamp, meter, or indicia. AFCS also cancels letter mail, sprays an identification (ID) tag, lifts the image, and sorts letter mail to a set of bins for further processing, ECA/ AEG)
abbr., space Air Force Communication Service; armament and flight control system
mil. active federal commissioned service; Air Force communications squadron; Air Force communications system; Army facilities components system; automatic fire control system; automatic flight control system
mil., BrE automatic flight-control system; Air Force Communications Service
tech. adaptive flight control system; Air Force coding system; aircraft fire-control system; automatic fire-control system; automatic flight control set