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letting ['letɪŋ] n
agric. walcowanie; wyrób walcowany; wynajem; wypożyczanie
let [let] v
gen. niech; pozwalać; wpuścić; pozwolić; dopuszczać zezwolić na coś; odnajmować oddawać w użytkowanie
agric. wypożyczać (za opłatą)
econ. wydzierżawiać; wynajmować
 English thesaurus
LET [let] abbr.
abbr. Launch Escape Tower; Leading Edge Trigger; linear energy transfer; logical equipment table
abbr., astr. LE telescope (MichaelBurov); lobster-eye telescope (MichaelBurov)
abbr., astronaut. Low Energy Telescope
abbr., avia. launch and escape time; leading edge tracking
abbr., commun. link establishment time
abbr., el. linear energy threshold
abbr., energ.ind. liquid expander turbine (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Line Equipment Transfer
abbr., Makarov. laser electrothermal thruster
abbr., mil. Light Equipment Transporter; Limited Effects Technology (e.g., nonlethal weapons); light equipment transport
abbr., mil., air.def. leading-edge track
abbr., mil., avia. laboratory electronic technician
abbr., mil., WMD laboratory essentials training
abbr., nucl.phys. linear energy transfer coefficient
abbr., oil lowest expected temperature
abbr., phys., scient. Linear Energy Transfer
abbr., physiol., med. Lidocaine, Epinephrine and tetracaine
abbr., scottish Launch & Escape Time
abbr., transp. Lake Erie Transit
airports, avia. Leticia, Colombia
mil. launch effect trainer; light equipment transporter; live environment testing; live environment training
physiol., abbr. Lidocaine, Epinephrine and tetracaine (a topical anesthetic)
tech. low-energy telescope
let [let] abbr.
abbr. letter
let. abbr.
abbr. letter
.let v
file.ext. Letter (file name extension)
: 95 phrases in 3 subjects