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heal [hi:l] v
gen. uzdrowić; goić; goić się; leczyć; uzdrawiać; zarastać rana
agric. podnosić stan zdrawotny
HEAL [hi:l] v
health., environ. Sojusz na rzecz Zdrowia i Środowiska
heal smb [hi:l] v
gen. kurować kogoś
 English thesaurus
HEAL [hi:l] abbr.
abbr. Health Education Aids Liaison; History Exam Assessment Layout
abbr., ed. Human Education Against Lies
abbr., ed., scient. Health Education Assistance Loans
abbr., med. Health Education Assets Library; Human Ecology Action League
HEALS abbr.
abbr., comp. Honeywell error analysis and logging system
: 1 phrase in 1 subject