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noun | verb | adjective | noun | to phrases
gilt [gɪlt] n
gen. złocenie n
agric. loszka
construct. pozłota f (nałożna cienka warstwa złota); pozłacanie
zoot. warchlak m
gild [gɪld] v
gen. ozłacać
gilt [gɪlt] adj.
gen. pozłacany; złocony
 English thesaurus
GILT [gɪlt] abbr.
abbr. Globalisation, Internationalisation, Localisation and Translation (Artjaazz)
gilt [gɪlt] abbr.
abbr. gt
jewl. Gold plated or dipped in gold.
GILT [gɪlt] abbr.
abbr. globalization, internationalization, localization, and translation (A Hun)
gilts abbr.
abbr., fin. gilt-edged securities
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture3