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verb | adjective | to phrases
condense [kən'dens] v
gen. skraplać się
agric. zżąć; ścisnąć; skurczyć
chem. skraplać
condensed [kən'denst] adj.
gen. skondensowany zwarty
agric. zżęty; skoszony; ściśnięty; skurczony
comp., MS zmniejszone (Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a font style, supported in some applications, that reduces the width of each character and then sets the characters closer together than their normal spacing. Many dot-matrix printers have a feature that causes the printer to reduce the width of each character and print them closer together, resulting in more characters fitting on a single line)
: 28 phrases in 7 subjects
Energy industry1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Food industry11
Vacuum tubes1