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noun | verb | noun | to phrases
bum [bʌm] n
gen. zadek; kloszard m; lump m; tyłek
brit. pupa f
bum [bʌm] v
gen. opalać wypalać czyjeś papierosy
 English thesaurus
bum [bʌm] n
slang jobless (MichaelBurov); unemployed (MichaelBurov)
BUM [bʌm] abbr.
abbr. Back Up Mode; Big Ugly Man; Bitchy Unisex Microorganisms; Bludging Unmotivated Male; Butt Ugly Martians
abbr., avia. Butler, Missouri USA; break-up missile
abbr., earth.sc. Bureau of Mines
abbr., law Back Up Man
abbr., media. Beatles Unlimited Magazine
mil. backup mode; breakup missile
bummed v
slang depressed (I was really bummed after I heard the news)
: 4 phrases in 1 subject