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noun | abbreviation
bib [bɪb] n
gen. śliniak m
life.sc., fish.farm. bielmik (Trisopterus luscus, Gadus luscus)
 English thesaurus
bib [bɪb] n
amer. the front part of overalls above the waist (as in "in a bib pocket of his overalls" Val_Ships)
bib [bɪb] abbr.
UK biblical (Val_Ships)
bib. abbr.
abbr., med. drink
abbr., med., lat. bibe
.bib abbr.
file.ext. Bibliography (file name extension)
BIB [bɪb] abbr.
abbr. Baby In Belly; Back In Business; Badge In A Box; Board for International Broadcasting; British Intelligence Bureau; Bus Interface Board
abbr., bank. Business Internet Banking (Ying)
abbr., busin. biographical Information blank
abbr., el. backward indicator bit; base information block; broad ion beam technology; burn-in board
abbr., file.ext. Database - not compatible with TeX format (Papyrus); Literature database (TeX/BibTeX); Bibliography (ascii)
abbr., med. Bibliography; Biliointestinal Bypass; Brought In By
abbr., oil bibliographies; butene-isobutane
abbr., pack. Bag-in-Box (http://packmash.narod.ru/bib.html Ася Кудрявцева)
abbr., qual.cont. balanced incomplete block
abbr., stat. balanced incomplete block design
abbr., telecom. backward indicator bit
food.ind. Bottled-in-bond
mil. baby incendiary bomb; basic intelligence branch
Bib. abbr.
abbr., libr. Bible
Bib [bɪb] abbr.
abbr., oil billion pounds
BiB [bɪb] abbr.
abbr. bag-in-bottle (harser)
bib verb [bɪb] abbr.
abbr., amer. drink (as in "the old professor has been known to bib on occasion" Val_Ships)