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ban [bæn] v
gen. zakaz m; zakazać
 English thesaurus
BAN [bæn] abbr.
abbr. Balinese; Bust A Nut; bank anticipation note (Alexander Matytsin)
abbr., avia. Basongo, Zaire
abbr., el. boundary access node; billing account number
abbr., IT Building Area Network
abbr., law, ADR von Staaten oder Kommunen ausgegebene Wertpapiere zur Vorfinanzierung von Projekten (die langfristig durch die Vergabe von Anleihen finanziert werden sollen)
abbr., med. British Approved Name; British Approved Names (Yerkwantai); Banzi; British Association of Neurologists
abbr., mil., avia. base activation notice
abbr., physiol., med. Bandage
invest. bond anticipation note
tech., abbr. bionics adaptive network
Ban. abbr.
abbr. Bangor
BAN [bæn] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. best asymptotically normal estimator
abbr., IT body area network
abbr., med. British Aproved Names (DrPlatitude)
abbr., oil best asymptotically normal (estimator); butadiene-acrylonitrile copolymer
abbr., space broadband access network
: 25 phrases in 5 subjects
Nuclear physics3