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stack [stæk] n
gen. cruach
 English thesaurus
stack [stæk] n
mus.instr. head and cab stack (The main difference between a combo amp and a head and cab is that one comes with a built-in speaker. A combo amp provides a player with an amplifier and speaker all in one case. The head and cab are separate products. They need to be connected together in order to obtain the same result. ); head and cab (The main difference between a combo amp and a head and cab is that one comes with a built-in speaker. A combo amp provides a player with an amplifier and speaker all in one case. The head and cab are separate products. They need to be connected together in order to obtain the same result. )
avia., Canada A number of aircraft holding at a common fix with vertical separation
STACK [stæk] abbr.
abbr., ed. Students Teach Adults Computer Knowledge
telecom. Start Acknowledgment
Stack [stæk] abbr.
abbr., oil stach yodes