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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
shape [ʃeɪp] n
gen. cumadh (Yerkwantai)
math. cruth (Yerkwantai)
 English thesaurus
SHAPE [ʃeɪp] abbr.
abbr. Safety Health Awareness Prevention Education; Self Help A Positive Experience; Sexual Health Awareness Peer Educator; Shared Housing Action Plan Enterprise; Supreme Holiday At Public Expense; Supreme Headquarters, Allied Power, Europe
abbr., avia. supersonic high altitude parachute experiment
abbr., ed. Sexual Health Advocacy Peer Education
abbr., ed., scient. Sport, Health, And Physical Education; Students Health And Physical Education
abbr., el. Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers in Europe
abbr., med. Sexual Help And Peer Education
abbr., media. Secret Harbour Association of Performers and Entertainers
abbr., mil. Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
abbr., mil., avia. supersonic high altitude parachute experiment
abbr., relig. Self Help Alternative Program For Enlightenment; Spirit Heart Abilities Personality Experiences; Sustaining Health And Pastoral Excellence
abbr., scottish Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe (NATO)
SHAPE [ʃeɪp] abbr.
abbr., space Supreme HQ Allied Powers Europe
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects