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gen. dìreach; calg-dhìreach
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direct [d(a)ɪ'rekt] adj.
gen. dìreach (Yerkwantai); calg-dhìreach (Yerkwantai)
 English thesaurus
direct [d(a)ɪ'rekt] abbr.
abbr. dct; dir
avia., Canada A straight-line flight between two NAVAIDs, fixes, points, or any combination thereof. When used by pilots in describing off-airway routes, points defining direct route segments become compulsory reporting points unless the aircraft is under radar contact.
tech., abbr. di; drct
DIRECT [d(a)ɪ'rekt] abbr.
abbr. Demanding Integrity, Responsibility, Ethical Conduct, and Truthfulness; Demanding Integrity Responsibility Ethical Conduct And Truthfulness
abbr., busin. directory
abbr., el. defense IEMATS replacement command and control terminal
abbr., med. Depression Information Resource & Education Centre
abbr., transp. Driver Information Experimenting with Communication Technology
direct. abbr.
abbr., libr. directories
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects