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gen. comharraich
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gen. taisbeanair; comharra
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noun | noun
dial on a phone ['daɪəl] n
gen. comharraich (Yerkwantai)
 English thesaurus
DIAL ['daɪəl] abbr.
abbr., el. dial interrogation and loading; differential absorption of light
dial ['daɪəl] abbr.
abbr., busin. dialogue
DIALS abbr.
abbr. Dendenkosha immediate arithmetic and library system
abbr., mil., avia. digital integrated automatic landing system
abbr., oil dual injection and lifting system
dial. abbr.
abbr., libr. dialect
abbr., telecom. dialling
DIAL ['daɪəl] abbr.
abbr. Dialog Corporation, P. L. C.; Directory For Independent And Accessible Living; Defense Intelligence Agency Liaison; differential absorption LIDAR; Direct Information Access Line
abbr., automat. Draper Industrial Assembly Language
abbr., nautic., scient. DIfferential Absorption LIDAR
mil. deficiencies in allowance list; differential atmospheric lidar; digital image analysis laboratory
tech. differential-absorption lidar
dial ['daɪəl] abbr.
abbr. dialdehyde; dialect; dialectal
Dial ['daɪəl] abbr.
abbr. dialysis (Vosoni)