
   English Scottish Gaelic
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gen. ealain; saidheans
| or
gen. no
| practice
gen. cleachdadh; gnàthas
| consisting
gen. dèanamh suas
| in
gen. a stigh; a-steach
| forwarding
gen. cuir air adhart
| information
gen. fiosrachadh
| of
gen. de
any | kind
gen. seòrsa
| from
gen. bho
| one
gen. aon
| person
gen. pearsa
| to
gen. ris
| another
gen. eile
| one
gen. aon
| or
gen. no
| from
gen. bho
| one
gen. aon
| location
gen. àite
| to
gen. ris
an | other
gen. eile
| one
gen. aon
| conversation
TV agallamh
| or
gen. no
unassisted | direct
gen. dìreach
| correspondence
gen. litrichean
is not included
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
science ['saɪəns] n
gen. ealain (Yerkwantai); saidheans (Yerkwantai)
scient. eòlas (Yerkwantai)
 English thesaurus
science ['saɪəns] abbr.
abbr. sc; sci
ed. science class (4uzhoj)
Science or practice consisting in forwarding information of any kind from one person to another one or from one location to an other one, conversation or unassisted direct correspondence is not included
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects