
   English Scottish Gaelic
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gen. poilitigeach
| military
gen. armailteach
| economical
gen. eaconamach
scientific and technical intelligence required | by
gen. le
| the
gen. na; an
| government
gen. riaghaltas
| to
gen. ris
| be
gen. bhith
| able to
 able to
gen. comasach air
| ensure
gen. dèanamh cinnteach
| at
gen. aig
any | time
mus. buille
| the
gen. na
| overall
gen. gu h-iomlan
| conduct
gen. giùlan
| of
gen. de
| defense
gen. dìon
| It
gen. e
| can
gen. crogan
| also
gen. cuideachd
| be
gen. bhith
| called
gen. èigh
| governmental
gen. riaghaltasach
| or
gen. no
interdepartmental defense intelligence | because
gen. a chionn gu
| of
gen. de
| the
gen. na
| level
gen. còmhnard
| at
gen. aig
| which
gen. a tha
| it
gen. e
| is
gen. tha
| dealt
gen. dèiligeadh
| with
gen. le
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | adjective | to phrases
political [pə'lɪtɪk(ə)l] n
gen. poilitigeach (Yerkwantai)
politic ['pɔlɪtɪk] adj.
gen. poilitigeach
 English thesaurus
political [pə'lɪtɪk(ə)l] abbr.
abbr. pltc; pol; polit
Political: 3 phrases in 1 subject