
   English Scottish Gaelic
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gen. achadh; raon; buaile
| Auxiliary
gen. luchd-taic
| Room
gen. rùm; seòmar

to phrases
field [fi:ld] n
gen. achadh (Yerkwantai); raon (Yerkwantai); buaile (Yerkwantai)
 English thesaurus
field [fi:ld] abbr.
abbr., avia. airdrome
IT An individual data element in a computer record (Examples include employee name, customer address, account number, product unit price and product quantity in stock)
mil., abbr. fd; fld
FIELD [fi:ld] abbr.
abbr., space first integrated experiment for lunar development
abbr., UN, ecol. Financial Information Engine on Land Degradation
Field: 7 phrases in 2 subjects