
   English Scottish Gaelic
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comp. ceangail
a | terminal
railw. ceann-rèile
| or
gen. no
| computer
gen. coimpiutair; coimpiutar
to a communications network via a | telephone
gen. guthan; cian-fhuaim; fòn
| line
gen. driamlach
| Modems
comp. mòdam
| turn
gen. cuairt
| digital
gen. digiotach
| pulses
med. buille-dealain
| from
gen. bho
| the
gen. na
| computer
gen. coimpiutair
| into
gen. steach
frequencies | within
gen. ri linn
| the
gen. na
| audio
gen. claisneach
| range
math. raon
| of
gen. de
| the
gen. na
| telephone
gen. guthan
| system
comp. siostam
| When
gen. cuine
| acting
gen. an-gnìomh
| in
gen. a stigh
| the
gen. na
| receiver
gen. glacadair
| capacity
gen. comas-lìonaidh
a modem | decodes
gen. dì-chòdachadh
| incoming
gen. a ’tighinn a-steach
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

connect [kə'nekt] v
comp. ceangail (Yerkwantai)
 English thesaurus
connect [kə'nekt] abbr.
abbr. cnct
tech., abbr. cnet