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norm [nɔ:m] n
agric. nórmă f; normativ n
norm An established standard, guide, or regulation. A principle or regulation set up by authority, prescribing or directing action or forbearance; as the rules of a legislative body, of a company, court, public office, of the law, of ethics [nɔ:m] n
environ. nórmă f
 English thesaurus
norm [nɔ:m] abbr.
abbr. n
norm. abbr.
abbr. normalize
abbr., earth.sc. normál
NORM [nɔ:m] abbr.
abbr. Nack Oriented Reliable Multicast; Northern Ohio Railway Museum; Naturally Occuring Radioactive Material; normál
abbr., avia. normalize
abbr., busin. normalized
abbr., chem., scient. Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material
abbr., IT Normalize Once Render Many
abbr., med. National Organization Of Restoring Men
abbr., mil. Normál
abbr., oil normally occuring radioactive material; naturally occurring radioactive materials; not operationally ready-maintenance
abbr., qual.cont. not operationally ready maintenance
abbr., tradem. North's Online Research Machine
energ.ind. naturally occuring radioactive materials
mil. not operationally ready, maintenance; not operationally ready, maintenance, flyable; not operationally ready, maintenance, grounded; nuclear operational readiness maneuvers; nuclear ordnance readiness manpower
Norm. abbr.
abbr. Norman
: 9 phrases in 5 subjects