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cage [keɪʤ] n
agric. cotéț n (for animals, birds, pentru animale, păsări); celulár n; de cușcă
construct. colivie de extracție
cage [keɪʤ] adj.
agric. cúșcă (for animals, birds)
 English thesaurus
CAGE [keɪʤ] abbr.
abbr. Canada Automatic Ground Environment
abbr., avia. commercial and ground environment; communications and government entity
abbr., expl. channelling, aiming markers, ground sign and environment (CAGE' is an acronym developed by military forces to help personnel recall the properties of a vulnerablepoint (channelling, aiming (markers), ground sign and environment) 4uzhoj); channeled, aiming markers, ground, environment (4uzhoj); channelled, aiming markers, ground, environment (4uzhoj)
abbr., med. Capillary Affinity Gel Electrophoresis (a Test For Alcoholism); Cut Down, Annoyed By Criticism, Guilty About Drinking, Eye-opener Drinks (a Test For Alcoholism); Collect A Grande E'chelle; chymostatin-sensitive angiotensin-generated enzyme (химостатинчувствительный ангиотензин–II генерирующий фермент Земцова Н.)
abbr., mil. Commercial and Government Entity
abbr., mil., avia. Canadian automatic air-ground environment
abbr., relig. Christian And Gospel Evangelists
abbr., space computerized aerospace ground equipment
tech. Canada automatic ground environment system
CaGE [keɪʤ] n
med. Cardiac Gene Expression (Анастасия Беляева)
: 59 phrases in 9 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Fish farming pisciculture3
Health care2
Loading equipment2