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verb | adjective | to phrases
wing [wɪŋ] v
gen. učiniti da leti; dati krila; opremiti krilima; perjem (npr. strelu); požuriti; ubrzati; preleteti (kroz nešto); nositi na krilima; streljati; odapeti (npr. strelu); pogoditi pticu u krilo; prostreliti; pogoditi (npr. ruku); leteti
construct. krilo zgrade
slang baciti (Come on, it's old fashioned, why don't you wing it and buy a new one — Hajde, zastareo je, zašto ga ne baciš i kupiš novi?); improvizovati; prihvatiti stvari takve kakve jesu
tech. bok; snabdeti krilima
winged [wɪŋd] adj.
gen. krilat
fig. brz; hitar
 English thesaurus
wing [wɪŋ] v
fish.farm. krilo ribe
mil., abbr. wg
USA An Air Force unit composed normally of one primary mission group and the necessary supporting organizations; A fleet air wing is the basic organizational and administrative unit for naval-, land-, and tender-based aviation; A balanced Marine Corps task organization of aircraft groups and squadrons, together with appropriate command, air control, administrative, service, and maintenance units; A flank unit; that part of a military force to the right or left of the main body (JP 3-09.3)
WING [wɪŋ] abbr.
abbr., construct. WING method (MichaelBurov)
abbr., inet. Web Imap And News Gateway
abbr., mil. Wireless INternet Gateway
Wing [wɪŋ] abbr.
abbr., oil Wingate
WinG [wɪŋ] abbr.
abbr. Windows Game
: 40 phrases in 9 subjects
Mechanic engineering1
Optics branch of physics1