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noun | abbreviation
wae [wei] n
poetic tuga; jad; bol; nevolja
wae [wei] abbr.
excl., poetic jao!; kuku!; ah!
 English thesaurus
WAE [wei] abbr.
abbr. WALSER: a language of Switzerland; Warranty Administration Expert; When Actually Employed; Wolfesden Actor Exchange; Working Aptitude Evaluation; Workshop on Algorithm Engineering
abbr., avia. Wadi Ad Dawasir, Saudi Arabia
abbr., clin.trial. withdrawal for adverse events (MichaelBurov)
abbr., corp.gov. when actually employed contract
abbr., IT Wireless Application Environment; Write After Entry
abbr., mil. Wargaming the Asymmetric Environment
abbr., progr., IT Web Accessibility Evaluation; Web Author Enhancement
abbr., relig. Wishes Are Eternal
abbr., tradem. Warranty Administration Experts; Western Air Express
abbr., weap. weapons, ammunition and explosives (Brücke)
mil. weapon aiming error