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noun | noun | noun | adjective | to phrases
trace [treɪs] n
photo. crtati na pausu; kopirati na pausu
tech. putanja; zapis; trasa; linija razlaganja; nacrtati; pratiti; tražiti grešku; slediti
traces n
law mikrotragovi; otisci
trace [treɪs] n
gen. stopa; trag; znak (i fig); malenkost; trunka; uže za vuču
archit. osnovni nacrt; skica; horizontalna projekcija
law dokaz; element; mikrotragovi; otisak; praćenje; relikt; traganje; znak (lat. tractiare; tractus)
traces adj.
law tragovi
 English thesaurus
TRACE [treɪs] abbr.
abbr. tree analysis code; Technology Research And Analysis Of Convergent Electronics; Transition Region And Coronal Explorer; Transition Region and Coronal Explorer spacecraft (MichaelBurov)
abbr., astr., scient. Transition Regional And Coronal Explorer
abbr., avia. tape controlled recording automatic checkout equipment; technical report analysis condensation evaluation; transportable automatic control environment
abbr., biotechn. Technique for real-time and clonal expression (Altuntash)
abbr., comp., net., IT Trade Reporting And Compliance Engine
abbr., el. task reporting and current evaluation; teleprocessing requirement analysis and cost evaluation; time-shared routines for analysis, classification and evaluation; tolls recording and computing equipment; total remote access center; transaction control and encoding; transmission checking equipment
abbr., med. Tape-Controlled Recording Checkout Equipment; Trandolapril Cardiac Evaluation (trial)
abbr., mil. Total Risk Assessing Cost Estimate
abbr., mil., WMD Total Risk Assessment Cost Estimate
abbr., scottish Trans-Atlantic Research into Air Combat Engagements
mil. tactical readiness and checkout equipment; technical report analysis, condensation, and evaluation
tech. tape-controlled recording automatic checkout equipment; test equipment for rapid automatic checkout and evaluation; time-shared routines for analysis classification and evaluation; tracking and communications, extraterrestrial; traffic routing and control equipment; transistor radio automatic circuit evaluator; transportable automated control environment
trace [treɪs] abbr.
abbr., sport. tr
: 74 phrases in 8 subjects
Mechanic engineering1