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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
teaching ['ti:ʧɪŋ] n
gen. pouka; nauka; obuka; poučavanje; učenje; učiteljsko nastavničko, profesorsko zvanje
law školovanje; vera; veroispovest
teach [ti:ʧ] v
gen. priučiti; obučavati; vežbati; navikavati; uvežbati; trenirati; podučavati; učiti (nekoga)
law davati časove; držati nastavu; obrazovati; predavati; raditi na školi; učiti; vaspitati; naučiti
teaching ['ti:ʧɪŋ] adj.
law nastavni; nastavnička profesija; obrazovni; predavački; prosvetni; vaspitni
 English thesaurus
teaching ['ti:ʧɪŋ] abbr.
abbr. tchg; teach
teach [ti:ʧ] abbr.
abbr. teacher; teaching
TEACH [ti:ʧ] abbr.
abbr. To Encourage And Challenge Homemakers; Transportation Equity And Community Health; Treatment Education Activists Combating Hiv
abbr., ed. Teacher Education And Compensation Help; Teacher Education And Compensation Helps; To Encourage And Challenge Homeschoolers
abbr., health., med. Treatment Education Activists Combatting HIV
abbr., law The Technology Education And Copyright Harmonization
: 31 phrases in 4 subjects