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noun | abbreviation
specs [speks] n
coll. naočari
spec [spek] n
inf. spekulacija; nagađanje; računanje; račun
slang tačka gledišta (Let's go up to the top tier, it's a good spec to see the match — Hajdemo u gornji red, tamo je dobar pogled na utakmicu)
 English thesaurus
specs [speks] abbr.
abbr. specials
abbr., earth.sc. specification
IT specifications
progr. specifications document (жарг. ssn)
SPECS [speks] abbr.
abbr. Scientific Pollution and Environmental Control Society
abbr., astronaut. spacecraft for environmental control studies
abbr., earth.sc. satellite picture enhancement & contouring system
abbr., electr.eng. special events control system
abbr., mil. Special Protective Eyewear Cylindrical Systen (qwarty)
abbr., space spacecraft for environmental control studies