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spag [spæg] n
slang imbecil; nesposobnjaković (od 'spastic'); špagete (= spaghetti); špagete bolonjeze (= spaghetti)
 English thesaurus
spag [spæg] n
mil. spaghetti
SPAG [spæg] abbr.
abbr. Small Particle Aerosol Generator; State Public Affairs Grants; european Standards Promotion and Application Group (organization, Hersteller, Europa); Standards Promotion and Applications Group
abbr., ed. Spelling, Punctuation, And Grammar
abbr., IT Standards Promotions and Application Group; Standards Promotion and Application Group (Brüssel)
abbr., mil. Submarine Parachute Advisory Group
abbr., scottish Self-Propelled Assault Gun
mil. special program analysis guidance