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noun | verb | to phrases
slot [slɔt] n
comp. slot
IT mesto na matičnoj ploči u koju se umeće neki dodatni uređaj
mech.eng. urezati žljebove; rendisati žljebove; urezati; napraviti urez
photo. otvor; termin (vremenski)
tech. prorez; žljeb; otvor automata za ubacivanje kovanog novca; otvor za ubacivanje pisama u poštanski sandučić; urez
slot [slɔt] v
gen. napraviti prorez; napraviti otvor
slang povrediti; raniti; ubosti; upucati (I slotted that bastard last year, and he spent 3 weeks in hospital — Ranio sam tog skota prošle godine, i proveo je tri nedelje u bolnici)
 English thesaurus
SLOT [slɔt] abbr.
abbr. Secret Lives Of Toys
abbr., avia. stabilized line of sight optical tracker
abbr., el. sequential logic tester; stabilized LOS optical tracker
abbr., file.ext. Scanned Laser Output Terminal
abbr., math., scient. Scaling Limits Off-set Transfer function
abbr., mil., air.def. submarine launched one-way tactical
abbr., mil., avia. slotted
mil. stabilized line-of-sight optical tracker; submarine-launched one-way tactical buoy
Nasdaq Anchor Gaming
: 30 phrases in 7 subjects
Information technology1
Mechanic engineering14