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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
service ['sɜ:vɪs] n
gen. služba; rok službe; vojna služba; staž; vrsta državne službe; usluga; zasluga; korist; pomoć; služba božja; servis; escajg; stalna pruga
comp., MS usluga (A program, routine, or process that performs a specific system function to support other programs)
law dostava; uručenje; linija
nautic. zaodenuće; zaštita (užeta)
relig. liturgija; obaveštenje o pravnom poslu; obred; ođržavanje; policija; posluga; postupak uručenja sudskih poziva; predaja; rod vojske
tech. održavanje; opsluživati
traf. opsluga; opsluživanje
services n
law nerobna proizvodnja; službe; usluge; usluge koje podležu oporezivanju; uslužne delatnosti
service ['sɜ:vɪs] v
gen. popravljati; održavati; servisirati
relig. posluživati; pružati usluge
services v
gen. vojska, mornarica i avijacija
construct. priključci; komunalije
service ['sɜ:vɪs] adj.
law komunalne usluge
relig. radna zajednica; radni odnos; radni staž; služenje; sudski nalog za uručenje sudskih dokumenata; vojni; koji se odnosi na služenje u vojsci (lat. servitium)
 English thesaurus
service ['sɜ:vɪs] abbr.
abbr. svc
law When someone over 18 and not involved with your case gives the other party a copy of the court papers in person or by mail
mil., abbr. ser; serv
SERVICE ['sɜ:vɪs] abbr.
abbr., space space entry recovery vehicle in commercial environments
Service ['sɜ:vɪs] n
USA A branch of the Armed Forces of the United States, established by act of Congress, which are: the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard (JP 1)
services v
mil., logist. Term pertaining to the three services as well as joint organizations with the exception of the Gendarmerie. (FRA); All the functional organizations in charge of the service support of the Armed Forces in a specific field Are considered: 1. Army services: Quartermaster, Maintenance, Engineer, Signals; 2. joint services whose expenses are included in the Army budget: Post Office, Treasury; 3. joint services whose expenses are not included in the Army budget: Petrol, Oil, and Lubricants, Medical. Services can provide modules included in a contingency operational force. (FRA)
tech., abbr. svs
: 1226 phrases in 24 subjects
Austrian usage13
British English spelling2
Information technology3
Mechanic engineering1
Non-governmental organizations15
Optics branch of physics2
Public transportation13
Road traffic19
Road works7