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noun | verb | to phrases
pause [pɔ:z] n
gen. zastoj; odmor; pauza; prekid; prestanak; neodlučnost; oklevanje
law mirovanje; odlaganje
polygr. crtica
Pause [pɔ:z] n
comp., MS Pauziraj (A button in a video conversation window that temporarily stops the video feed in the current video conversation. The infotip for this button toggles between Pause and Restart this video feed)
pause [pɔ:z] v
gen. zastati; zadržati se; prestati; stati; prekinuti se; zaustaviti se; čekati; oklevati; razmišljati
law pauzirati; prekinuti; zastati (lat. pausa; Gk. pausis)
mus. praviti pauzu
 English thesaurus
PAUSE [pɔ:z] abbr.
abbr. PERL Authors Upload SErver (PERL, CPAN)
abbr., med. Popliteal Artery Ultrasound Examination (study)
: 6 phrases in 3 subjects
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