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verb | noun | to phrases
partake [pɑ:'teɪk] v
gen. udestvovati (of u nečemu); deliti sa nekim; zajedno uživati; sudelovati; uživati (in u nečemu); pokazivati svojstva (of); pokazivati osobine (of)
cust. učestvovati; imati udela
inf. jesti; piti
 English thesaurus
partake [pɑ:'teɪk] n
gen. to take a share or portion (of or in; as of food or drink: We were invited to partake of a dinner. • Will you partake of some food?); to take part in or experience something along with others (partook; partaken: Throughout history, women have partaken in numerous armed conflicts. 4uzhoj); to possess or share a certain nature or attribute (partake in each other's sorrows and joys • the experience partakes of a mystical quality)
arch. to have something of the properties, character, or office (of: The attorney of the Duchy of Lancaster partakes partly of a judge, and partly of an attorney-general.)
formal to take part in an activity, to participate (partook; partaken)
: 1 phrase in 1 subject