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noun | verb | to phrases
overshoot ['əuvə'ʃu:t] n
tech. prelaz; preopterećenje; preskok; premašenje; nadvišenje; prebaciti; preterati u upravljanju
overshoot ['əuvə'ʃu:t] v
gen. pucati preko; preći preko; prebaciti cilj; premetnuti; premašiti; otići predaleko (i fig)
 English thesaurus
overshoot ['əuvə'ʃu:t] n
avia., Canada To pass beyond the limit of the runway or landing field when trying to land; The procedure followed by a pilot who decides to abandon an approach or landing
metrol. For a step response, the maximum transient deviation from the final steady-state value of the output variable, expressed in % of the difference between the final and the original steady-state values
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects