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to phrases
option ['ɔpʃ(ə)n] n
gen. biranje; izbor; slobodan izbor; pravo izbora; opcija; alternativa
law mogudnost; ishod; diskrecija; mogućnost; selekcija; volja (lat. optio)
law, busin. pravo opcije
st.exch., busin. dodatni posao
tech. mogućnost izbora
Options n
comp., MS Opcije (A UI element that opens the Options dialog box, where the user can change Lync or Communicator settings and preferences)
IT opcije programa (sistema i slično)
 English thesaurus
option ['ɔpʃ(ə)n] n
cinema To buy the exclusive rights to a script, within a specified time at a set price, effectively guaranteeing that during the indicated time period, the writer will not share the idea with anyone else.
law, abbr. opt.
mil., abbr. opn; opt
Options abbr.
abbr., file.ext. .opt (file name extension)
options abbr.
abbr., tech. ops (RyLero4ka)
OptIon ['ɔpʃ(ə)n] n
biotechn. Optogenetic Investigation of neurotransmission (Altuntash)
: 97 phrases in 6 subjects
Information technology1