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objectives n
law platforma; ciljevi
objective [əb'ʤektɪv] n
gen. cilj; svrha
comp., MS krajnji cilj (A group of key performance indicators (KPIs) that correspond to the functional areas or strategic initiatives of an organization)
gram. padež objekta
law bez predubeđenja
mil. cilj operacije; nakana; namera; svrha (lat. objectivus)
photo. objektiv (ovaj engleski naziv se koristi objektive teleskopa i mikroskopa - kod kamera se koristi LENS)
phys. objektiv
traf., plann. cilj nižeg reda; zadatak (u planiranju saobraćaja)
 English thesaurus
objective [əb'ʤektɪv] abbr.
abbr. object
abbr., mil. obj; objv
IT The ability to exercise judgment, express opinions and present recommendations with impartiality
mil., logist. An object, vehicle, individual, etc. representing a target for a weapon or weapon system. 2. A geographical area, complex, or installation planned for capture or destruction by military forces. 3. In intelligence usage, a country, area, installation, agency, or person against which intelligence operations are directed. 4. An area designated and numbered for future firing; In gunnery and engagement usage, an impact burst which hits the target. 6. NATO In radar, any discrete object which reflects or retransmits energy back to the radar equipment, or the object of a radar search or surveillance. Army—an object, vehicle, individual, etc., which is the aiming point of any weapon or weapon system. Note FRA: Can be also an effect to produce in time or during a period of time. 7. Generic term used to designate any zone, force, facility, weapon system, person or any other entity of intelligence significance and which may be monitored or reconnoitred (FRA)
USA The clearly defined, decisive, and attainable goal toward which every operation is directed. see also target; The specific target of the action taken which is essential to the commander’s plan (JP 5-0) see also target
Objectives n
mil., abbr. O
: 55 phrases in 5 subjects
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