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noun | verb
nudge [nʌʤ] n
gen. gurkanje laktom
comp., MS protresi (A tool that enables a user to get another user's attention by shaking the user's conversation window and playing a sound); prodrmati (A tool that enables a user to get another user's attention by shaking the user's conversation window and playing a sound)
tech. lako udariti
Nudge [nʌʤ] n
comp., MS Prodrmavanje prozora (The checkbox that enables or disables the playing of a sound when a nudge is received)
nudge [nʌʤ] v
gen. gurati; gurkati laktom
 English thesaurus
NUDGE [nʌʤ] abbr.
abbr., AI. NUDGE (Wissensrepräsentationssystem)