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verb | adjective | to phrases
notify ['nəutɪfaɪ] v
gen. objaviti; oglasiti; prijaviti; obavestiti; upozoriti
law avizirati; informisati; izvestiti; obelodaniti; obnarodovati; opomenuti; saopštiti; upozoriti (lat. notificare)
Notify ['nəutɪfaɪ] v
comp., MS Obavesti me (A permission setting in which Communicator prompts the user to allow or block any person or domain who attempts to add the user to contact lists or send instant messages to the user)
notified adj.
law obavešten; opomenut; upozoren
 English thesaurus
notify ['nəutɪfaɪ] abbr.
abbr. nty (4uzhoj)
tech., abbr. ntfy
: 34 phrases in 2 subjects