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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
muff [mʌf] n
gen. muf; šeprtlja; nespretnjaković
fig. promašaj
mech.eng. muf (joining tube, spajanje cevi)
slang ženske genitalije
tech. naglavak
muff [mʌf] v
gen. promašiti; ne uhvatiti (npr. loptu); upetljati; spetljati; zabrljati; pokvariti
slang oštetiti; propasti (She muffed her chances of winning the race when she stumbled at the last hurdle — Pokvarila je šanse da pobedi u trci kada se spotakla o poslednju preponu)
 English thesaurus
MUFF [mʌf] abbr.
abbr. Many United For Feminism; Mandatory Ugly Fat Friend
abbr., sport. Error, in baseball
: 11 phrases in 3 subjects
Mechanic engineering4