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noun | verb | to phrases
mounting ['mauntɪŋ] n
gen. montiranje; montaža; okvir (dragog kamena); fasung; oprema
auto. oslonac
mech.eng. nosač (motora i dr.)
photo. kaširanje; lepljenje (fotografije na karton ili neku drugu podlogu)
tech. sklapanje; ugradnja
traf., signall. vešanje
mount [maunt] v
gen. dizati se; uzdići se; penjati se; uspeti se; popeti se; navreti; uzjahati; popeti se na (brdo, konja, bicikl itd.); postaviti; posaditi; montirati (mašinu); ugraditi; optočiti; umetnuti; uokviriti; nalepiti; staviti mikroskopski preparat na staklence; zaskočiti; opasati
cust. povećati (se); popeti (se)
fig. rasti
law uramiti; uzjahati (lat. mons; montare)
photo. držač; ram (dijapozitiva, filtera itd); ramiti; uramiti (dijapozitiv); staviti (a lens, a lens); kaširati (pictures, pictures); montirati dijapozitive (slides); uramljivati dijapozitive (slides); montirati kameru na stativ (the camera on the tripod)
tech. pričvrstiti; okov; armatura; držač nožice cevi
theatre. postaviti na pozornicu; inscenirati; opremiti
traf. namestiti; montirati
 English thesaurus
mounting ['mauntɪŋ] abbr.
abbr., polym. mtg
mil. All preparations made in areas designated for the purpose, in anticipation of an operation
mil., logist. All preparations made in areas designated for the purpose, in anticipation of an operation. It includes the assembly in the mounting area, preparation, and maintenance within the mounting area, movement to loading points, and subsequent embarkation into ships, craft, or aircraft if applicable. (UKR/NATO)
USA All preparations made in anticipation of an operation, including assembly in the mounting area, preparation and maintenance within the mounting area, movement to loading points, and subsequent embarkation into ships, craft, or aircraft if applicable; A carriage or stand upon which a weapon is placed (JP 3-02.1)
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