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noun | verb | to phrases
marking ['mɑ:kɪŋ] n
gen. označavanje; obeležavanje; markiranje
law kotacija na berzi; numeracija; numerisanje; ocenjivanje; oznake; znakovi
tech. beleženje; obeležavanje (proizvoda)
zool. šara; oznaka; obeležje
mark [mɑ:k] v
gen. obeležiti; obeležavati; zabeležiti; označavati; žigosati; oceniti; ocenjivati; bodovati
comp. označivač
construct. reper
cust. označiti
fig. opaziti; videti; paziti; zapamtiti
fig., busin. obeležiti cenu na robi
law isticati; markirati; odabrati; odrediti; parafirati; signirati; ucrtati; udariti žig; zapaziti
tech. podeok za stepene
traf. belega
Marks v
slang Marks i Spensers (robna kuća)
 English thesaurus
marking ['mɑ:kɪŋ] n
mil., abbr. mkg
mil., logist. Operation consisting in placing devices permitting a visual dropping or landing on a landing area. (FRA); Conduct an intelligence action on a fixed or mobile enemy disposition with a very favorable force ratio, excluding making contact, in order to facilitate the subsequent engagement of a friendly formation more of the right size. (FRA)
USA To maintain contact on a target from such a position that the marking unit has an immediate offensive capability (JP 3-09.3)
mark [mɑ:k] abbr.
abbr. market
abbr., auto. MK/mk
abbr., polym. mk
mil., abbr. mrk
mil., logist. In artillery and naval fire support: 1. to call for fire on a specified location in order to orient the observer/spotter or to indicate targets; 2. to report the instant of optimum light on the target produced by illumination shells. Related term marker. (FRA)
MARK [mɑ:k] abbr.
abbr. Management Ability and Reprographic Know-how
abbr., avia. material accountability and robotic kitting system
abbr., ed. ED Marketing Educational Consortium
abbr., mil., avia. maintainability and reliability kit
abbr., scottish Material Accountability & Robotic Kitting
mil. maintenance and reliability kit
Nasdaq Market America, Inc.
MARKS abbr.
abbr., IT Multi Access Realtime Knowledge System
abbr., mil. Modern Army Record Keeping System
abbr., mil., WMD Modern Army Recordkeeping System
Mark [mɑ:k] v
post II Facer-Canceler (year 1958)
: 408 phrases in 15 subjects
Information technology2
Mechanic engineering2
Road traffic9
Road works1