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noun | verb | to phrases
lumber ['lʌmbə] n
gen. starudija
amer. drvna građa
tech. građevinsko drvo; rezana grada; rezati gradu
lumber ['lʌmbə] v
gen. teško se kretati; drndati; lupati; protutnjiti; natrpati; nabacati; zatrpati; seći
slang opterećivati (What am I, a doctor? Don't lumber me with all your medical problems, go to the medical centre — Šta sam ja, doktor? Nemoj da me opterećuješ svojim bolestima, idi kod lekara)
 English thesaurus
lumber ['lʌmbə] abbr.
abbr., construct. lbr.
abbr., mining. lmb
: 17 phrases in 3 subjects
American usage, not spelling2