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noun | verb | to phrases
judges n
law sud; sudije; sudsko veće
judge [ʤʌʤ] n
gen. sudija; poznavalac; stručnjak
cust. veštak
law arbitar; donosilac suda; ekspert; znalac (lat. judex; judicare; judicare); državni službenik ovlašćen za donošenje sudskih presuda; sudijski
judge [ʤʌʤ] v
gen. suditi; osuditi; dosuditi; odlučiti; prosuditi; zaključiti; smatrati za; voditi istragu; izreći presudu; proceniti vrednost
law doneti presudu; doneti sud; donositi sud; izreći sud; oceniti; odmeriti; onaj koji presuđuje; presuditi; proceniti; procenjivati; rasuditi; smatrati; utvrditi; suditi o (smb., kome); prosuđivati (smb., koga); doneti sud o (smb., kome)
 English thesaurus
judge [ʤʌʤ] n
law public official and high ranking court official with the authority to hear and decide cases in a court of law; An elected or appointed public official with authority to hear and decide cases in a court of law
JUDGE [ʤʌʤ] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Japanese Ultra-deep Drilling and Geoscientific Experiments
abbr., oil Japanese Ultra-deep Drilling and Geoscientific Experiment
Judges abbr.
abbr., relig., lat. Jgs
: 470 phrases in 6 subjects
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