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noun | verb | to phrases
isolate ['aɪs(ə)lət] n
tech. dobiti iz jedinjenja kao element
isolate ['aɪsəleɪt] v
gen. odvojiti; osamiti; izdvojiti
law izolovati; odeliti; razdvojiti; zatvoriti u samicu; izolovati se (oneself); osamiti se (oneself)
photo. rastaviti
 English thesaurus
isolate ['aɪs(ə)lət] n
mil., logist. A tactical task given to a unit to seal off both physically and psychologically an enemy from its sources of support, to deny an enemy freedom of movement, and prevent an enemy unit from having contact with other enemy forces. An enemy must not be allowed sanctuary within its present position. (FRA)
: 2 phrases in 1 subject