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have a go
law pokušati; probati
 English thesaurus
have a go
gen. to attempt to do or undertake something, especially that which is unfamiliar or new (I know a lot of this work is new to you, but just have a go and let me know if you have any questions. • I'm having a go at doing my own taxes this year to save on the cost of hiring an accountant. • I don't know if I can do it, but, sure, I'll have a go. thefreedictionary.com); to physically attack someone (Watch out for that bull in the back field — he'll have a go at you if you get too close. • There were a couple of drunkards having a go outside our local pub last night. thefreedictionary.com); to criticize, berate, or verbally harass someone at length and/or with great intensity (My wife had a go at me last night for coming home drunk again. • My parents were always having a go when I was a kid—it's no wonder they got divorced. thefreedictionary.com)
abbr., austral., slang give it a burl
have a go
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects